How to Create a Child Theme in WordPress 2017

How to create a child theme in WordPress 2017 is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to customize their WordPress website without altering the original theme files. Child themes provide a safe and efficient way to make changes, ensuring your modifications are preserved even after theme updates.

This approach not only protects your customizations but also streamlines the process of maintaining your website’s design and functionality.

In this guide, we will delve into the step-by-step process of creating a child theme, exploring the essential files and folders involved, and showcasing how to implement custom designs, features, and functionality. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned WordPress user, understanding child themes is crucial for unlocking the full potential of your website.

Understanding Child Themes

How to create a child theme in wordpress 2017

Child themes are a fundamental concept in WordPress development, offering a powerful and flexible way to customize your website’s appearance and functionality. They allow you to make modifications to your theme without directly altering the original theme files. This approach ensures that your customizations are preserved even when the parent theme is updated.

Why Use Child Themes?, How to create a child theme in wordpress 2017

Utilizing child themes provides several key advantages, making them the preferred method for theme customization in WordPress:

  • Preserves Theme Updates:When you directly modify the parent theme’s files, any updates to the theme will overwrite your changes, potentially causing your website to break. Child themes prevent this issue by keeping your customizations separate, ensuring they are not lost during updates.

  • Simplifies Theme Management:By separating your customizations from the parent theme, child themes make it easier to manage and maintain your website’s design. You can quickly switch between different child themes or even revert to the parent theme without losing any of your customizations.

  • Enhances Flexibility and Control:Child themes give you granular control over your website’s appearance and functionality. You can selectively override specific elements of the parent theme, tailoring the design and behavior to your exact needs.

When Child Themes Are Essential

Here are some scenarios where using a child theme is crucial:

  • Making Minor Design Tweaks:If you want to change the color scheme, fonts, or layout elements of your theme, a child theme is the safest and most efficient way to achieve this.
  • Adding Custom Functionality:Child themes allow you to extend your theme’s functionality by adding custom code, widgets, or plugins. This enables you to create unique features that are not included in the parent theme.
  • Developing Custom Templates:If you need to create specific page layouts or display content in a non-standard way, a child theme provides the flexibility to build custom templates tailored to your requirements.
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Creating a Child Theme

Creating a child theme is a straightforward process that involves creating a few essential files. Let’s walk through the steps:

Step 1: Create a New Folder

First, create a new folder in your WordPress theme directory. The folder name should be “child-theme-name,” replacing “child-theme-name” with your desired name for the child theme. For example, if you want to name your child theme “My Custom Theme,” the folder name should be “my-custom-theme.”

Step 2: Create the Style.css File

Inside the newly created folder, create a file named “style.css.” This file will contain your child theme’s stylesheet. Open the file and add the following code:

/*Theme Name: Child Theme NameTheme URI: http://your-website.comDescription: A child theme for [Parent Theme Name]Author: Your NameAuthor URI: http://your-website.comTemplate: [Parent Theme Name]Version: 1.0


Replace “[Child Theme Name]” with the name of your child theme, “[Parent Theme Name]” with the name of the parent theme, and update the remaining information accordingly.

Step 3: Create the Functions.php File

Create another file named “functions.php” within the child theme folder. This file is where you will add your custom functions, hooks, and filters.

Step 4: Activate the Child Theme

Navigate to the “Appearance” » “Themes” section in your WordPress dashboard. You should now see your newly created child theme listed. Activate the child theme to apply its styles and functionality.

Key Files and Folders in a Child Theme

Here’s a breakdown of the essential files and folders within a child theme:

  • style.css:This file contains your child theme’s stylesheet, allowing you to customize the theme’s appearance.
  • functions.php:This file houses your child theme’s custom functions, hooks, and filters, enabling you to extend its functionality.
  • Templates:You can create custom templates for specific page types or posts within your child theme’s folder. These templates will override the corresponding templates from the parent theme.
  • Images and Other Assets:You can store images, JavaScript files, and other assets in your child theme’s folder to be used by your customizations.

Customizing Your Child Theme

With your child theme set up, let’s explore some common customization techniques:

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Designing a Custom Header

To create a custom header for your child theme, you can use CSS to style the header elements. In your child theme’s “style.css” file, add the following CSS code:

/* Custom Header Styles


header background-color: #f0f0f0;padding: 20px;text-align: center;h1 font-size: 36px;color: #333;

This code will set a light gray background color, padding, and center alignment for the header. It also styles the main heading (h1) with a larger font size and dark gray color.

Modifying the Footer

How to create a child theme in wordpress 2017

You can customize the footer of your child theme to include copyright information and social media links. Add the following code to your “style.css” file:

/* Custom Footer Styles


footer background-color: #333;color: #fff;padding: 20px;text-align: center;footer a color: #fff;

This code will style the footer with a dark gray background, white text, padding, and center alignment. It also styles the links within the footer with white text.

Creating a Custom Sidebar

To create a custom sidebar for your child theme, you’ll need to use the WordPress sidebar widget system. First, create a new sidebar in the “Appearance” » “Widgets” section of your WordPress dashboard. Give your sidebar a descriptive name, such as “Custom Sidebar.” Then, add the following code to your child theme’s “functions.php” file:

__( ‘Custom Sidebar’, ‘textdomain’ ),’id’ => ‘custom-sidebar’,’description’ => __( ‘Custom sidebar for your child theme.’, ‘textdomain’ ),’before_widget’ => ‘

‘,’after_widget’ => ‘

‘,’before_title’ => ‘

‘,’after_title’ => ‘

‘,) );add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘my_custom_sidebar’ );?>

This code registers a new sidebar named “Custom Sidebar” with the ID “custom-sidebar.” You can now add widgets to this sidebar in the “Appearance” » “Widgets” section. To display the sidebar on your pages or posts, you can use the following code in your template files:

Implementing Functionality

Child themes provide a powerful platform for extending your website’s functionality. Let’s explore some ways to enhance your theme’s capabilities:

Adding Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

Custom post types and taxonomies allow you to create unique content structures beyond the default post and page types. You can use the following code in your child theme’s “functions.php” file to register a new custom post type named “portfolio”:

array( ‘name’ => __( ‘Portfolio’, ‘textdomain’ ), ‘singular_name’ => __( ‘Portfolio Item’, ‘textdomain’ ), ), ‘public’ => true, ‘has_archive’ => true, ‘show_in_menu’ => true, ‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘thumbnail’ ), ) );add_action( ‘init’, ‘create_portfolio_post_type’ );?>

This code defines the labels, public accessibility, archive settings, menu display, and supported features for the “portfolio” post type. You can now create new portfolio items in your WordPress dashboard.

Creating a Custom Template

How to create a child theme in wordpress 2017

To create a custom template for your “portfolio” post type, create a new file named “single-portfolio.php” in your child theme’s folder. This file will override the default single post template for portfolio items. Add the following code to “single-portfolio.php”:

‘ ); ?>

This code defines a basic template for displaying a single portfolio item. You can customize the layout and content display as needed.

Integrating a Plugin

Child themes can integrate with plugins to extend their functionality. For example, if you want to use a contact form plugin, you can add the plugin’s shortcode or code snippets to your child theme’s templates. Refer to the plugin’s documentation for specific instructions on integration.

Testing and Deploying Your Child Theme

Before deploying your child theme to your live website, it’s crucial to test it thoroughly to ensure it functions as expected and doesn’t introduce any conflicts.

Testing Your Child Theme

Here’s a checklist of essential tests to conduct before going live:

  • Visual Inspection:Carefully examine your website’s appearance, ensuring that all elements are displayed correctly, including text, images, and layout.
  • Functionality Testing:Test all website features, such as forms, menus, and navigation, to confirm they work properly.
  • Compatibility Testing:Check that your child theme is compatible with all installed plugins and themes.
  • Performance Testing:Assess your website’s loading speed and responsiveness to ensure a good user experience.
  • Mobile Responsiveness:Verify that your website looks and functions correctly on different devices and screen sizes.

Deploying Your Child Theme

Once you’ve thoroughly tested your child theme, you can deploy it to your live website. Follow these steps:

  • Backup Your Website:Create a complete backup of your website before making any changes to your theme. This ensures that you can restore your website to its previous state if needed.
  • Upload Your Child Theme:Upload the entire child theme folder (including the “style.css” and “functions.php” files) to your WordPress website’s theme directory.
  • Activate Your Child Theme:In the “Appearance” » “Themes” section of your WordPress dashboard, activate your child theme. This will apply the styles and functionality of your child theme to your website.
  • Clear Your Cache:Clear your website’s cache to ensure that the latest version of your child theme is displayed. This may involve clearing the cache of your browser, WordPress plugins, or your web hosting provider.

Closing Notes

By mastering the art of child theme creation, you gain control over your WordPress website’s appearance and functionality. You can tailor your website to perfectly align with your brand, audience, and goals. This empowers you to create a unique online presence that stands out from the crowd.

So, embrace the power of child themes and embark on a journey of personalized WordPress customization.

Helpful Answers: How To Create A Child Theme In WordPress 2017

How do I choose a parent theme for my child theme?

Select a parent theme that aligns with your website’s overall design and functionality. Consider factors like responsiveness, optimization, and plugin compatibility.

Can I use multiple child themes for a single parent theme?

Yes, you can create multiple child themes for a single parent theme. Each child theme will inherit the parent theme’s base structure and styles, allowing you to create different variations of your website’s design.

What happens if I update the parent theme?

Updating the parent theme will not overwrite your child theme’s customizations. However, it’s essential to test your child theme after updating the parent theme to ensure compatibility and address any potential conflicts.